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Basic Vocational Training

Know? Not all of us have to follow the same marked line of study to obtain the same results. If you are one of those who do not finish fitting into Compulsory Secondary Education, in San José de Calasanz , we offer you two alternative ways to obtain the ESO degree. In this institute you can choose between Administrative FPB and Commerce FPB .


Basic Vocational Training courses are part of the Vocational Training courses of the educational system and must respond to a professional profile. They have a duration of two years.


The professional profile will include at least units of competence of a complete professional qualification of level 1 of the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications, established in article 7 of Organic Law 5/2002, of June 19, on Qualifications and Vocational Training .


The professional modules of the Basic Vocational Training teachings will be made up of areas of theoretical-practical knowledge whose objective is the acquisition of professional, personal and social skills and lifelong learning skills throughout life.


Requirements to access Basic FP

To access Basic Vocational Training you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 15 years old (already completed or complete during the current year) and a maximum of 17 years at the time of access, or throughout the year of the course to which you access. That is, if I access the 2021-2022 course, I must, during the year 2021, have a minimum of 15 or a maximum of 17.

  • Having been enrolled in 3rd year of ESO, although the academic results have been null. Exceptionally, it can be accessed if you have completed the 2nd year of ESO (consult it)

  • Having received a recommendation from the ESO teaching team to continue training in this way, with the consent of your legal guardians.



Passing a Basic Professional Training Cycle allows you to obtain the title of Basic Professional Technician from the studies carried out, as well as a level 1 qualification from the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications.

The Basic Professional Technician qualification allows you access to intermediate level training cycles (CFGM) .


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