Higher Technician in Early Childhood Education
If you are passionate about the world of education, and educating children is your goal, we are waiting for you in San José de Calasanz, where you will learn everything about the psychology of children and endless activities to reinforce learning and promote children's play.
We have face-to-face and distance mode.
Come meet us!
Access requirements
You can access a higher degree cycle when you meet any of the following requirements:
Direct access:
Be in possession of the Baccalaureate Degree, or a certificate certifying having passed all the Baccalaureate subjects.
Be in possession of the Polyvalent Unified Baccalaureate Title (BUP).
Have passed the second year of any modality of experimental Baccalaureate.
To be in possession of a Technical Title (Professional Training of Medium Degree) *.
* Whenever the demand for places in higher-level training cycles exceeds the supply, the educational administrations may establish admission procedures to the teaching center, in accordance with the conditions that the Government determines by regulation.
Be in possession of a Title of Superior Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.
Have passed the University Orientation Course (COU).
Be in possession of any University Degree or equivalent.
Access by test (for those who do not have any of the above requirements)
Have passed the access test to higher-level training cycles (it is required to be at least 19 years old in the year that the test is carried out or 18 for those who have the title of Technician).
Having passed the University entrance exam for people over 25 years of age.
What am I going to learn and do?
Design, apply and evaluate educational projects for the first cycle of early childhood education.
This professional will be able to:
Program, design and carry out educational intervention and social care activities with children and their families.
Use resources and procedures to respond to the needs of children and families that require the participation of other professionals or services.
Act in the event of contingencies, transmitting security and confidence.
Evaluate the intervention process and the results obtained, managing the associated documentation and transmitting the information.
Keep up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge related to their professional activity, using existing resources for lifelong learning.
Maintain fluid relationships with children and their families, members of the group in which they are integrated and other professionals, showing social skills, the ability to manage cultural diversity and providing solutions to conflicts that arise.
These teachings include the knowledge necessary to:
Carry out basic level activities for the prevention of occupational hazards.
To be able to obtain the food handler's license.
Training plan
The professional modules:
Teaching children's education.
Personal autonomy and child health.
The children's play and its methodology.
Expression and communication.
cognitive and motor development.
Socio-affective development.
Social skills.
Intervention with families and care for minors at social risk.
Project childcare.
First aid.
Training and career counseling.
Business and Entrepreneurship.
Formation in work centers.
At the end of my studies, what can I do?
To work:
Educator / early childhood educator in the first cycle of early childhood education.
Educator / educator in institutions and / or in specific work programs with minors (0-6 years) in situations of social risk, or in means of family support.
Educator / educator in programs or activities of leisure and free time for children with children from 0 to 6 years old: toy libraries, houses of culture, libraries, educational centers, leisure centers, school farms, etc.
Keep studying:
Professional specialization courses.
Another Professional Training Cycle with the possibility of establishing validation of professional modules in accordance with current regulations.
Preparation of the Baccalaureate Assessment Tests (only the optional subjects of the core block)
University Education with the possibility of establishing validations in accordance with current regulations
What are the career opportunities?
This professional develops his activity in the sector of formal and non-formal education and in the sector of social services for childcare.
More information
Equivalence of titles:
This title is equivalent to the LOGSE title:
This title is equivalent to the title LEY70:
Child educator
Baccalaureate modalities for preferential access to higher degree cycles
Preference to access this training cycle will be given to those who have completed the baccalaureate modality of:
Humanities and Social Sciences